Upside Down Catfish


Jan 21, 2008
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i have read that most cat fish need bog wood.
do these catfish need bog wood or will they be ok on large stones
if they need bogwood what other catfish will be ok with large stones
so they will be ok without?
how many should i keep and would they be ok with clown loaches
75 gallon
i am still thinking about what to get
it is being cycled at the mo
My Upside Down Catfish had bogwood. I took it out though because he never used it. I do not think they need it, I have heard that it is good to have it though, all well, I do not know, this is my first one ever and he did not need it.
My Upside Down Catfish had bogwood. I took it out though because he never used it. I do not think they need it, I have heard that it is good to have it though, all well, I do not know, this is my first one ever and he did not need it.

Im assuming by upside down catfish you are referring to Synodontis nigriventris (or one of the similar species)

Upside Down Catfish do not "need" bogwood. Certain plecos need wood as part of their diet (genus Panaque, they have special bacteria in their digestive tracts that allow them to digest cellulose), and to keep these species happy and healthy they need this as a staple in their diet. The most widely known example of such a pleco is the Royal Pleco. Upside down catfish are best kept in a planted habitat with wood, caves and rocks to use as hiding spots, but a tank could meet the requirements without bogwood.

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