Upside Down Catfish


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
I am curious about these fish. I have a school of 5 serpae tetras which are such fin nippers they were driving my angels crazy! So, they've been moved to a ten gallon at the moment, but this really seems to small for them. I'd like to upgrade to a 20 sometime soon (next few months or so) and I'm looking for options as far as tankmates go. I've got cories in my angel tank and otos in my guppy tank, so I'd sort of like something a bit different. How would upside down cats do in a 20 gallon? Do they school? How many would I need to make them happy? And most importantly, would they tolerate my tetras pesky behaviors? Thanks so much!

(also, if they wouldn't work out, any other suggestions would be welcomed)

THEY HIDE!!! lol you will never see them thats all i know
what about RAMS there awesome
From what ive experienced with the 'upside down' catfish is when younger and smaller they'll hide most of the time. Once mature (these things get pretty big, fast) they'll venture out alot more.
i had 2 of them, both about 4-5 inches long, they were out constantly feeding and playing. i had both from young and didnt find they ever really hid away
Do you think 20 gallons is a bit too small, ive seen big cats in a 20gallon before wasnt much room, what do you guys think?
id personally say too small, they can get quite big and a 20g wont give them a great deal of room and if there are other fish in there as well it will quickly become very over stocked
Thanks guys, the upside down cats are out then. I know this is the catfish section, but do you have any other suggestions for something to go with my nippy little tetras? Catfish or non-catfish ideas are welcome :)

Thanks guys, the upside down cats are out then. I know this is the catfish section, but do you have any other suggestions for something to go with my nippy little tetras? Catfish or non-catfish ideas are welcome :)


ghost cats go well with tetras. as for non cats, not sure
Cories in a 20g, bn plec or similar would be fine.
glass cats are great little fish, need to be kept in groups of 5 or so minimum.

corrys and bn plecs are also great fish
glass cats are great little fish, need to be kept in groups of 5 or so minimum.

corrys and bn plecs are also great fish

Would a BN plec be happy in a 20 long? I'm really fascinated with those guys. I sorta though that would be too small.

A single BN should be alright in a 20 long, though there are smaller pleco's available. BN's are tough to beat for algae control, but a mature 4-5" adult would not find nearly enough in that size tank. As long as the diet was supplemented with veggies it should be alright. If you'd prefer something smaller and less veggie-oriented I have a few extra L129's (Colombian zebra pleco's) on hand. They grow to less than 3" and will eat a more varied diet w/out problems. They're less social than cory cats (not schooling fish) but not aggressive toward their own or other species either. You could easily keep 2 males together in a 20 long, whereas 2 BN males would fight.
I wouldnt worry about algae, they'll eat any fish food that makes it to the bottom of the tank, algae based or not. 1 BN plec in 20g long will do fine.

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