Upside Down Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2008
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I have a 25 gal at the moment with 5 danios, 5 small loachs, 5 dwarf aussie rainbow fish, 3 pearl gouramis, 2 ottos, and 1 swordtail. I was looking at these guys at my lf's and they where pretty active. I just have a few questions as I've never had these guys before, 1. are they hardy?, 2. Is my tank big enough, 3. Will any of my other fish be threaten?, 4. are they peacful?, 5 do they get around 3 inchs?, and 5. what level of the tank do they spend there time? Anyway I was thinking about getting 3 if thats good for my tank. My water conditions are, no amonia, low nitrates, and ph. around 7.3, I do weekly water changes too. I'm just looking for an interesting species that don't get huge, will go great with my set-up, and get along with everthing so if you have oppions please let me know!
i am not an expert on them what so ever but i have read about them fairly recently so here is what i know

males grow to 3inchs the females grow to 4 inchs
they are fine in water between 6.5 to 7.5 and sloghtly hard and slightly soft water
they hang out at the top wating for food but also swim around the middle
they're generaly peacefull and wont bother other fish
they eat small live foods,flake food,daphina and bloodworm

i would say go 4 it!
from what i know they seem pretty awesome!
just make sure they are true upside down catfish synodontis nigriventris and not featherfins which are frequantly missold and grow much larger. I have a group of 6 in my 5ft tank, great little fish.

Emma :)

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