Upside Down Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 9, 2006
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Today i bought 3 of these, planning to get more to make a group of 5 or 6 in my 55 gallon.

However on getting home and searching on the net out of interest(should be done before purchasing i know :rolleyes: ) i am now not 100% certain that mine are actually nigriventris! Really hope they arent nigrita.

It is pictures i have seen that are confusing me, some show them as being browny grey in colour with darker brown SPOTS, this is what mine look like. Whereas other pictures show them having a more mottled colours and not being quite as uniform a brown as what mine are.

Here are some pics i have looked at as an example:


This looks like mine. Nearly the correct colour too.


The markings on my fish are like the above picture, however i am not sure if it has the same type of gill plate as in the photo above. Do the larger syno's in the pic below have the same shape gill cover?

However what is creating doubt in my mind is that a lot of pics of nigriventris look like this below, which mine dont at all!


also, mine have the same type of colouration as this fish below (nigrita?) which i believe is a larger type of synodontis which grows to about 8 inches!


To be honest im very confused :shout: the fact that they are simply labelled as upside down catfish in the shop is not very helpful, although on the label it did have to keep them in groups and that they grow to 5cm, which is a bit of an underestimate, as i have read that even the nigriventris grow slightly larger than this.

If anybody could help me i would be very grateful!!

Many Thanks, Matt. :good:

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