Upside Down Catfish (?)


New Member
Mar 6, 2006
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We've got what we were told was an Upside Down Catfish. When we first set the tank up, we found any dead fish stuck to the intake pipe on the filter. Over the last few weeks we've lost about 10 Tetras & 4 Guppies have gone in the last week - none of them have looked ill & they've just disappeared in the night never to be seen again!
We started to suspect the Cat (he's huge compared to the others!) & I've had a look on several sites this morning to try & find a bit more about them - my other half has kept fish before but has never had one. According to info i've found, Upside Down Cats are light brown or mottled brown (ours is black) and are about 4 inches fully grown - ours is about that already & we've only had him about 4 months. He does, however, swim upside down!

1. Have i got an Upside Down Catfish?!

2. Could he be responsible for the missing fish?
Does he/she have any white markings....small spots or diamond shapes on the body at all? Are the whiskers rather long? If so what you have got is an Asian upside down catfish and they are highly predatorial. The can and will eat anything too slow or small. So yes it would merrily chomp through your guppies and tetras.
I am guessing your tank params are correct? ;) If it is one of the above mentioned it'll get very big very fast and decimate your fish population. I had one briefly...overnight and it caused no end of fear in my poor fish. I moved out all those likely to be eaten and she went next day. She was around 9 inches then. Thankfully she found a new home. Certainly not suitable for community tanks!!
Yep, that's what he is! Gold flecks & very long whiskers. I now need to decide whether to get rid of him or look at getting bigger fish that he won't bother! Any ideas? He's a lovely looking fish...

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