upside down catfish


Fish Herder
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
London (But have lived in Hull)
Hey guys im a lil worried about my upside down catfish, i had threebut over the past year one has dissapeared and the other i saw just before it died, it came out for a day and then i found it dead.
Now usually these catfish of mine dont come out and since this one has just come out it has concered me. Since my other was plump as i call it, and it came out before she met her end i fear the same may happen to this one.

If its not that its ill i reckon maybe its because i moved my tank around (removed a bit of bogwood and a load of plants) last week and maybe it feels safe?

well anyways, i going to get her 2 more companions from my work and see how she goes but i need a lil imput

thanks for your time
if you havent cleaned your tank for a while and if you didnt clean deeply enough then you may have released nitrites and nitrates which can be harmful especially if its a sudden spike. check your parameters
may have just been bad luck for the other two then. does the USD cat seem to be ok because they generally dont come out unless you have a LOT of them
Sorry to hear of your loss. I have four USDC's myself. Two for over a year now, and, touch wood, no deaths to come.

Uncovered gone-off food perhaps? USDC's scavenge. Perhaps you had unintentionally disturbed an area of degrading bio-matter, and which was subsequently consumed?

My sympathy goes out to you and yours. Hope it all works out.
To my regret, my upside down catfish, as i thought, died this afternoon. i found it when i got home from work after getting 3 other upside down catfish to live with it to make it happy. :byebye: she was one of my fish fish and now shes gone :-(

On the upside tho my 3 new catfish look really happy now ive added 3 new broad leaved plants, they even swim around the centre of the tank!!!!!!!! i was like :hyper:

I also got my 3 tatia Perugiae too, their not as active but still nice fish.

I think after doing a water change tomoro i may go get 2 more upside downs to add to my shoal to make them feel more secure :lol:

Rest In Peace old friend.. ill miss you :byebye:

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