Fish Addict
im posting this for my neighbours who are having some health issues with one of their fish. first up, the fish in question is in a 4ft tank that has been running for about 8 months. i tested their water for them: ammonia 0, nitrites 0 and nitrates 10. pH 7.0. the tank inhabitants are 4 silver dollars (or are they methynnis?? not sure because of the red hook) they said they noticed it first thing this morning. he is so bloated his ribs look like they are going to poke through his skin. from what i can see though there is no pine coning like if it was dropsy and considering its bouyant and upside down i was thinking some kind of swim bladder prob maybe. im really not sure. i suggested a feed of peas for the meantime but obviously its hard when the fish is upside down. they dont have a spare tank and neither do i at the moment. well i do but its set up in case of agression in one of my tanks and i dont want to be putting sick fish in there.
can anyone tell me exactly what it is and how we should treat it please
can anyone tell me exactly what it is and how we should treat it please