Upset Again About Loaches...need Encouragment


Nov 3, 2009
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The worry has finally gotten too much, and since as even mentioning needing a larger tank results in arguments with my father who doesn't know anything about fish or their needs, I must rehome my Clown Loaches. Last August I had to downsize because of a leaking tank (read that as an emergency situation). Well, I didn't *have* to downsize, but I feel I was forced into picking a smaller tank because water had already been lost/removed to prevent a total break of the tank wall.

My loaches have always been small, never grown to the full size a Clown Loach usually does. The largest is about 5 inches at best, the next one down perhaps 2 inches or so, the next one 1 1/2 inches. It's a wonder the smallest hasn't *ever* grown, actually, even over 6 years. But...I feel that the tank I have, a Fluval 60, is rubbish (I blame it for a massive die-off in the first 24 hours when I had to evacuate the fish from the older tank), and it cannot handle even small amounts of plants (the debris is something I always cringe at). I have already had to change the maintenance routine because my tank before was a Jewel, and was larger, and have already sorted out dangerous levels of nitrates and gotten them down to 10-15ppm (from way above 50).

My tetras are dying from old age, so I only have 5 left, 2 Neons and 2 Black Neons (one has dropsy, old age related...had my Black Neons for over 2 years now). Once they're gone, I don't plan to get any more tetras. If I can find a much better home for my Clown Loaches, then I can get rid of the tank (just fed up...everything has been ruined). I live in the West Midlands in England, and I wonder if there is anyone out there who has the suitable environment for these loaches?
Dont get down these things happen, hopefully you will rekindle your love for fishys in the future as for your clown loach im sure someone will come along with a sensible offer for them soon :good:
I'm very angry at the moment. I don't want to give them up, they haven't grown to huge sizes. And we're talking about 6 years for the smallest loach and 5 for the other two. I really want to consider the possibility I can hang on a while longer, get my own place (once someone gives me a job, that is), and rehome them to a larger tank with me. I'm just upset at the moment,'s because of the water works in the area, they stopped me from properly cleaning the tank this week. They did something to the water, drinking water now has to be boiled until further notice, so I cannot risk adding new water to the tank. I would have done it earlier in the week, but even with 24 hours notice, you can guess I was hesitant - anyone would be worried that they'd put the water in the morning, add dechlorinator, and only to get the card through the front door that the next morning the water would be off for most the day...I don't like leaving water for more than 24-36 hours before putting it into the tank.

I've edited the title because...well...I am obsessive about the welfare of my fish, to the point I might be making the situation seem worse than it is. Rehoming could easily cause trouble when there might be no need...

I have to good are external filters? It might sort out my main problem. I do weekly water changes for the most part (missed some out now and then), it does get a bit monotonous cleaning it every sunday morning week in and week out (I think that's why the filter wool gets shredded so easily). Now, I don't have many fish in there. Once my tetras are gone, I might look into another type of fish that isn't too large or high maintenance, make sure that the loaches don't get too nervous without tank mates. And consider the rehoming thing quashed, too...just a bit over the place at the moment for some reason.

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