

Fish Fanatic
Mar 2, 2004
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How long do you think one should wait before getting a bigger tank size?

I was considering going from a 5Gallon to a 4ft x 2ft tank.

(5 gallon is my first tank)
I used to keep fish at my parents but now have a place of my own. my girlfriend knew i liked fisha and got me a 2ftx1x1 tank for my birthday... she wasn't too keen on the idea of fish but she is now hooked. We went from the 15gal to a 50 gal in a matter of months (4 to be exact).

we then set the 15 gal back up as a 2nd tank.

another 6 months down the line and we're looking at our 3rd tank :)
Large tanks are always easier to look after then small, they are more stable, things happen more slowly. If you have the space, and the cash, why wait.
You won't regret it James, and gives you far more options too....

If you have the space, and the cash, why wait.

couldn't agree more....
Hi james.. :)

Go for the big tank as soon as you can. Once you have learned the basics of cycling and managing a tank, you will be able to keep any size tank you would like. All the same rules apply, whether your aquarium is large or small. :nod:

Beside, more fish means more fun! :thumbs:

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