Upgrading ..


New Member
Jul 21, 2008
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Moray, Scotland
hi folks,

Well I have become adicted to fish keeping, I have a wee ten gallon which is insufficant for my fishes so decided to upgrade (in style!) . I really like the Juwel rio 300 in black. Has anyone had experience with theses tanks? thoughts? things to look out for and also anyone get them online? Sorry for all the questions! just excited lol :hyper: thanks in advance
I've got a juwel Rekord 800. its a great tank! i've had it for 5-6 months now and had no probs with it at all.
i haven't had much to do with any other makes.
I've got a juwel Rekord 800. its a great tank! i've had it for 5-6 months now and had no probs with it at all.
i haven't had much to do with any other makes.
Thanks Nikki, I've never really bought a tank before so have been researching them and think juwel looks the best bet plus looks nice :D not that the fish give a toot about the outside lol
The only real criticism I've heard about the Juwel tanks is the filtration system being a bit of a pain to sort out. Because they have so many sponges, people find them awkward to change. I've never owned one myself so don't know whether it's a big deal or not.
Other than that, they look like nice tanks.
good point on the filter. there are 3 sponges which you have too change at different intervals but its not too much of a stress. if you look on their website it has some good pictures of them.
The only real criticism I've heard about the Juwel tanks is the filtration system being a bit of a pain to sort out. Because they have so many sponges, people find them awkward to change. I've never owned one myself so don't know whether it's a big deal or not.
Other than that, they look like nice tanks.

mmm something to bear in mind then. I'm ordering end of this month as im on holiday and able to recieve it but wont fully set it up for a few months yet as i willbe away a week or two and dont want to abandon it in the early stages lol
I've got a rekord 800 as well, as a starter tank it's superb, but from what i've learnt i personnaly think a fluval roma 240 would be ideal, thats gonna be my next tank before i get my 9 footer!!!!lol


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