Upgrading to a larger tank


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hey everyone,

In a couple of months i will be upgrading from my current 29 gallon to a 72 gallon. I have been running the filter that I want to move to the 72 gallon in the 29 gallon for a few months to ensure proper bacteria growth on the bio-wheels. I also have changed half of the gravel in the 29 gallon to the color i want to use in the 72 gallon, so the bacteria will colonize on it. I am also going to use half of the water from the old tank and add it to the new tank. Any other helpful suggestions would be appreciated as this is the first time I will be upgrading with very large, much loved fish! (I am moving my bala sharks, cichlid, tetra and clowns to the new tank then restocking the old one)

I appreciate any advice!

Thanks :D
Your filter is the most important element to save, as it contains the greatest amount of bacteria -everything else is trivial. There is no need to save any of the old water, as there is no bacteria free swimming in it. If you simply set up the new tank, heat it to the same temp as the current tank, and then transfer the fish and filter over at the same time, then you will be set.
thanks for the info. I am a little nervous though, because doesn't the new tank need to cycle, and should i add the bacteria in a bottle such as bio-spira?
The tank doesn't need to cycle because you are moving the established filter over along with the fish. In addition the new tank holds amost 3x as much wate, and this will make up for any losses of bacteria that may occur during the move. I've done it this way and it works. If you have access bio-spira then you can sure use it as a safety precaution, but most of the other products that are 'like bio-spira' are not actually effective.

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