Upgrading to 4' tank


New Member
May 30, 2005
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Mackay, Qld, Aust

I am relatively new to fish keeping (this time) had fish when I was a kid..... (didn't most of us?) We have previously had several marine fish tanks but they are now gone. So I know a very little of the basics.

I had a 2' tank with a 4" and a 6" clown loach, 2 goldfish (who got quite large) and a bronze cory. I know I shouldn't have put them in there......... but that is a long story. Anyway it was either get rid of the tank or upgrade. Well what do you do?? I couldn't bring myself to give the clown loaches or the cory away, the goldfish (2) moved to the neighbours next door. And so I then had to get them some friends as they looked very sad and stayed in hiding (which they were not doing before when the goldfish were in there). I got 5 kuhli loaches (which came with an accidental harlequin rasbora) and the clowns still hid so I got another 5 really small rasboras (having found out that they need to be in a group) for the dither effect.

I know that this is too much for such a small tank but I have been ever vigilent and keeping it clean until the new tank is ready. And I bought them knowing they would be in the new tank in about a week. They all move in 3 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait.

When the fish are all in the new tank there will be:

2 clown loaches (going to eventually be 5)
5 kuhli loaches (probably get more of them too)
11 rasboras
5 bronze corys

I have lots of hiding places, 2 largish bits of wood and also lots of plants in the new tank. There is a oversized canister filter and 3 fluoros. Am going to get a powerhead for a bit more current.

I also wanted to get some gouramis (I thought the preal ones) are these a good choice??? I thought that I might need something else to be in the mid --> top of tank. I am partial to loaches and wonder what other loaches I can get (ones that don't grow too big) Have I got too many fish already?? The community creator on "Thinkfish.co.uk" seems to think that I still have room for more?? I know that if it were marine I would probably be in trouble before now with the amount of fish but freshwater is different I know.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. :dunno:

Megan PS Sorry about the length of question (almost a book!!)
I'm not good with stocking, but I do have a question for you...

Are you putting the 'oversized canister' on the new tank or not?

If you are then you are okay, but if not then you will be cycling the tank and this can get dangerous if you don't do water changes everyday until it's done.

I suggest that (if you don't plan to put the canister on the new tank) to put it in there for a few weeks, along with the new filter to help speed your cycle.

After removing old filter you need to watch your cycle again for a few days to make sure you don't have any spike.

mlee didn't you need help with this stuff a while back. You certainly have been doing your homework.
I have a hang on the back filter (aqua clear) on the (old) small tank and the oversized canister is on the (new) 4' which has been running for some 3 weeks with 5 rasboras. I am planning on moving all the rocks, caves from the old tank to the new one and also taking the filter inserts out of the old tank and putting in the new canister to keep the bacteria. I also have added the stress zyme which also seeds with bacteria.

I have test kits now and will keep an eye on the nitrite/nitrate levels and do water changes if necessary. I think I am pretty right with that part it is just the stocking bit requires assistance.

Thanks for your thoughts

Hi Megan,

In answer to your question.....your tank stock sounds great :thumbs: .

The lower echilons of your tank will be full so you don't need any more bottom dwellers.

Your 11 Rasboras will nicely compliment the middle layer of your tank. You may also want to add a schoal of some smaller sized schoolers (i like Rummynose Tetras, maybe 8 - 10)

Your plan for Gourami is also a very good one. These are top dwelling fish and I would go 1 male and 3 females preferably.

Your tank will IMO be pretty much stocked up after these additions and so long as you keep up good filtration and regular maintenance you should have no problems and a great looking aquarium :D .

Thanks Steve

Today is the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I get home from work (I finish 2.30pm on a Friday) I am going to move the loaches and 6 rasboras down to the new tank. Also moving their caves.

I will not get any more fish till these have settled in and the tank has had a chance to catch up.

Thanks for the help.

Well the rocks that made the caves and also one of those terracotta pipe things that you buy from the lfs for a ridiculous price all went from the old tank into the new tank. The terracotta pipe was the favourite hiding place for my large clown.

Before I moved the fish I checked the temp and ph to make sure that they were very close. When the clowns went in they were so stressed from being caught that they sat together panting (is that the right workd for fish) in the back corner of the new tank. All lof the rasboras joined up together and they were just one big school (or 11) swimming everywhere together. They had no trouble. The 6 (I had 6 not 5) kuhlis were quite difficult to catch and I thought that they would be really stressed because they are so small but they were quite happy and just sat on the bottom and wiggled along with no worries (or so it seemed). The poor cory from the old tank is not so fortunate. It is probably about 4cm + and is being harrassed by the tiny ones that I put into the new tank last week. When the lights went out on the tank the clowns went into their pipe. Then after all of the lights in the room went out I noticed that they were having a bit on an investigate..... I then went to bed, happy in the knowledge that they were OK.

I have just woken this morning to see how they are all doing. The rasboras and the kuhlis are all fine - seem to have settled in well. The clowns were out and about - they are swimming through the caves and the pipe and in and out of the plants and then up and down the glass and up to the water surface and generally just being out and visible. How wonderful. They seem to have recovered from their ordeal.

The poor large cory is still being frantically chased by at least 1 and sometimes 2 and 3 of the 4 small cories. They chase him and get at his mouth. I cannot see any damage. Are they just being hyperactive kids or do you think that I should hoof them out and take them back to the lfs????? I don't really want to lose my large cory as I have had him for abour 2 years now.

Any help would be appreciated.


PS Sorry for the really long story!!

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