Upgrading Tank


New Member
Nov 3, 2010
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I currently have a 30 gallon aquarium with three angel fish, which i have had for about 3 years. I recently freed up a 55 gallon, 48 inch long tank and am thinking about setting it up as an aquarium. What would be some good additions to the three silver dollar body sized angels I have. I have always liked pictus catfish, and since I would now have the spacefor some I was thinking of getting 2. I also was considering increasing the angelfish school to 6 to cut back aggression between the two males. Are there an other schooling fish that would be compatable with both angels and the pictus. I know pictus have a habit of eating smaller fish. Also with the size of the tank would it be safe to have this many fish that grow to a large size.
Yay someone else getting a bigger tank. cant help with your fish choices just thought I would say gratz. :D

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