Upgrading my Nano - Advice Needed


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
I was looking at my nano-reef last night and decided it was time for a change. At first I thought maybe I'd just try to rearrange the LR a bit, but then I decided it's really time for an upgrade.

I've had the 10-gallon nano reef going for around a year, maybe less. It has about 8-lbs. of live rock, an assortment of Nassarius and Astrea snails, 2 scarlet hermit crabs, 1 blue damsel fish, and some mushroom coral. I'd like to move everything EXCEPT the blue damsel (evil little bugger) to the new 20 gallon tank, and of course add to it.

My first question -- should I go with a 20 gallon LONG (30x12x12) or a 20 gallon HIGH (24x12x16). I'm open to either one. I'm thinking the long would be better as far as light-penetration, but of course with it being longer, the lights are a little more costly.

(I'm planning on either this 24" light or this 30" light, unless someone can recommend something better/cheaper??]

My second question is -- after I add some more LR and inverts, what are some peaceful fish I could add to this tank?

As I said, I'm going to trade in my blue damsel to the LFS -- I've learned my lesson there. I'd like something more peaceful, like perhaps a pair of clownfish? I'm also fond of gobys, blennys, and firefish. Could someone recommend a few combinations that would be peaceful and suitable to my tank? (I'm also hoping to add some more corals, so I only want reef-compatible fish.)

Thanks in advance for all your help!
Go for the long, the longer lights might be more expensive,m but you dont need as many of them because your light doesn't have to penetrate as far. Goodluck.
Opcn said:
Go for the long, the longer lights might be more expensive,m but you dont need as many of them because your light doesn't have to penetrate as far. Goodluck.

Thanks, that's what I was kind of thinking. The 30" lights are only an extra $11 anyway so why not haha. :)
go for the long. a wise man once told me "fish swim back and forth, not up and down."

plus really, only reason for a shorter tank imo is for a wider footprint
Long..not only for better light penetration, but, it is easier to aquascape. Either lighting fixture would do fine for a 20G.

Some thoughts:

1) try to bump the LR weight up to 20-25lbs
2) for a 20 G, I wouldn't push more than 3- 4 fish. Some combos
--paired clowns and a purple firefish
--species tank, banggai cardinals
--watchman goby/pistol shrimp combo, pair of clowns
--yellow assessor, court jester goby, royal gramma (goes in last)
--sixline wrasse (tank is tad small), yellow or green clown goby

Thanks for all the suggestions!

I'm definately planning to bump up the live rock. Is the rule of thumb 1-2 pounds per gallon of water? I was thinking I read that somewhere, but I may have imagined it lol. And I'm sure I'll have to increase my cleanup crew snails/hermits quite a lot as well, correct?

And thanks for the fish-suggstions, steelhealr. There's a few there that sound really great -- I'm going to do some research on some of the fish you mentioned (some of them I'm not at all familliar with, but I'm excited to read more about them!)

I actually just found a 29-gallon in the newspaper today, and am planning to call about it on my lunch hour. So maybe I'll be going with a litter larger tank than I expected.

... Can someone recommend a good protein skimmer for a 29? (Good brand, "reasonable" price?)
Protein skimmers, HOB, look into AquaC Remora and CPR BakPak. LR is 1- 1 1/2lbs per gallon. WTG. SH

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