Upgrading Lighting On Juwels


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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QUOTE(jimbooo @ Dec 8 2005, 10:19 AM)

you'll have to trust me here it sounds a bit dodgy but it's very stable.

the centre 2 tubes are the original fitting.

i bought 2 arcadia ballasts 2 more tubes and 2 more reflectors. when fitted the reflectors overlap (ontop of the central ones) and the back of the reflector sits on the centre brace. when you feed the wires through under the original lights and out through the holes in the back the tension holds everything in place. nothing is fixed, no brackets or anything. to access the tank i just lift the front tube, kind of flip it over so it sits on top of the original lighting, you can then lift off the front 3 tubes in one go very easily. the back tube stays in place.

I did the same (on your advice ) and it works just fine. My lights don't even touch the brace as the reflectors seem to "raise" them up slightly.
On my Vision 180 I used a 25W at the back but could only fit a 15W in the front (due to the curve of the tank). I used Juwel reflectors as they are slightly narrower than the Arcadia ones and seem to fit better.

Just wondered whether anyone has done something simiar to above AND managed to get anywhere near 2.5 - 3WPG?

Also could you still do your water changes and gravel cleaning etc with back light left in place?

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