Upgrading Juwel Vision 180 T8 To T5

Spider Pig

New Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Does anyone know if you can just put in T5 lights in a T8 system or are they totally different and so would I need to get a whole new lighting set up (100 quid odd!) I haven't asked juwel directly yet as I'm sure what their answer will be. If you can, are there any cheap juwel sized t5 alternatives available?

Bit annoyed as got a juwel vision 180 6 months ago when they were being advertised with the new T5 unit but in fact I was sold the old T8 unit (20W less.) Didn't know any better at the time. Warning to anyone getting a Juwel set up to check first.

I'm afraid you can't just put T5 tubes into a T8 lighting system as the tubes are different sizes. They simply won't fit.

A good alternative if you have some spare cash is an overtank luminaire.

I have one on my Vision 260, and i think they are the best thing since sliced bread.

Cheers :good:

Another thumbs up for the Arcadia overhead light units on Juwel Visions here :good:

Just have a fair bit of evaporation now the tank is uncovered! Usually about 8-10 litres a week on a 260 litre tank.

thought about luminaire but way out of price range at moment. Also problem with evaporation and fish escaping always a worry. Other option that's bee suggested elsewhere is to bolt on a couple of t5's, but then will have to go down the co2 route- want to avoid if possible.
Do Juwel do a T5 version of the light unit now? I know they have updated their range on things like the Rio's to have T5 light units. Might be worth looking at getting one of these, but it might be quite pricey (mind, so are luminaires)
Do Juwel do a T5 version of the light unit now? I know they have updated their range on things like the Rio's to have T5 light units. Might be worth looking at getting one of these, but it might be quite pricey (mind, so are luminaires)

yeah. Annoyingly I think they upgraded around the time I was getting my tank and so I must have got one of the old set ups. The new ones are 2 x35w T5s but I would need to get a new light unit and bulbs which comes to nearly 100 quid. Seems a bit excessive for 20W extra light.
You could do what I did on my Rio 180. I bought another light controller (cost me £5 second hand) and a new tube and mounted it inside the hood. Theres a how-to in the hardware section somewhere but briefly, I used 2 sets of Juwel metal reflector clips, 2 small bolts, some small washers and a few nylock nuts. They were arranged something like this (crude) diagram:



O is a tube
) and ( are clips
= is a bolt with spacers and a nut on one end
-\_/- is the main light bar.

So it goes Tube/New starter > Clip > bolt > Clip > Tube/original light fitting. The metal clips hold the new tube in place (as its not too heavy).

Hope that makes sense :)

Edit: Found 2 posts that have 2 different ideas:

This one is what I am trying to explain (only using plastic clips, but you get the idea):

This idea is basically buy an whole second light unit (probably find one cheap on ebay second hand) and mount it (might not be suitable):
Do you know if there is space for that in a Vision 180 as oppose to a Rio 180. I assume the Rio is a bit wider at the ends compared to the vision because of the front bowing. by my measurement it would be a tight squeeze to fit in two more t8s.

saw that there are hagen t5s 24w, 22"- might be a better bet. In any case, probably have to consider co2 first before ramping up lighting so much.
Well, I only have 1 extra light balast on my tank, giving me 85w in total (using a 25w tube on the extra balast, but could go for 30w). I think you could probably squeeze one tube in at the back... You'd just need to buy the right wattage balast (to match your existing) so that it takes the same size tubes I'd imagine. The vision 180 is flat on the back right?

If its of interest, I've found that you can buy the vision 180 T5 light bar for £61 (i guess with no tubes). Probably looking at £20 ish for 2 tubes... As you say, might be a bit expensive for a megre 30w, but T5's supposedly are more efficient.

I think you'd be able to squeeze a tube in though, to give you an extra 25 watts.

Actually, if the light unit takes 25 watt tubes, what length are they? It might take 30w tubes too (my rio 180 does).
Another thumbs up for the Arcadia overhead light units on Juwel Visions here :good:

Just have a fair bit of evaporation now the tank is uncovered! Usually about 8-10 litres a week on a 260 litre tank.


What size and how much are these?
i have a Vision 180 and have 2 extra t8 25w tubes, 1 at the back and 1 at the front, the one at the front just fits and no more .

eventually want to ditch the setup and go for 2 t5's , from what iv read going from 100w t8 to 48w t5 wouldn't be to much of a downgrade, that way it means more spare plug sockets (using 3 just for lighting the now) and a reduction in the amount of electric the tank uses (not a huge reduction but it all helps)

even adding 1 tube extra to the back of the tank helps m8, the 2 t8's are just under what required for good normal plant growth, add another and it helps a good bit.

I have a Vision 180 with 39W T5, brill and the plants love it.
Do you have a co2 unit??

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