Upgrading A Tank Partially

Siamese Fighter05

Fish Herder
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
Hey Everyone :)

I've been thinking about upgrading my nano from a 16G to a 30G (Okay still nano but hey :nod:)
Was just wondering about adding more LR...
I have 18lbs of LR in my 15 and would move that straight over to the 30. I was just wondering if i could bring the level of LR up time by time while the current livestock moves over to the 30 with the 18lbs of LR.

I can cure the new LR in the 15 to make sure i get no spike in the new tank. My question is, if i move everything over will the LR i have be suitable as filtration as long as i add no further livesock until i have enough LR.

I can add another powerhead for the extra water movement if that will help?
Live stock is:
1 true perc
1 purple firefish
Clean up crew

Will be a few months but i can save money away for LR in the mean time :)

Why no do it the other way round? Leave the current set up as is, cure the rock in the new tank and then combine the two into the largers tank.
Either method will work in truth... The amount of liverock will suffice in the 30g because you have the same bioload to start. Whichever method is easiest for you as far as time and money goes is the one I would choose ;)
Okay i just realised that i would prefer to do it the way i said the first time because it means i can make the move sooner. I have another questions as well :p

Will i need to buy more cleaners (enough for 30g) while i only have the 18lbs in there or can i add it as i increase the amount of LR?

You can add them as you increase the amount of LR. A tank with LR only in it doesnt really need much cleaning... Just like maybe one snail and one hermit should be able to take care of it and keep your algae and diatoms under wraps. A tank with LR only in it is just a curing tank, so no biggie :)
Thanks for your help again SkiFletch :)

Okay might be a few months ahead of myself (as Usual) but could you help me out with the process of transfering over. Heres what i've got so far -_-
(Correct anything that needs doing)

Get 30g and stand
Mix RO water up to my SG with new maxijet and heat to 27 degrees. Should i use about 20g of new water?
Put 10G of cycled water in tank
Add 10lbs of live arog
Add my established 20lbs of live arog
Move LR and equipment over
move fish and cleaners over
from then on:
Add cured LR along with new cleaners
I guess that's that?
I have a few 5 gallons water containers that i can keep the fish, cleaners and LR in while im moving out of the tank.
Cheers Dan
That sounds about right. Are you running any fancy sumps or other equipment for the 30g? Just do yourself the favor of making SURE the stand is fully ready before you go filling a tank with water on top of it. I rushed into putting water in mine and its been a PAIN to work under there to get the sump ready ;)

Also, be prepared for a nitrate spike or diatom bloom just after you move everything... Keep an eye on your water stats and do water changes if any chemistry gets out of whack ;)
Nope no sump for the 30. I'm hopeless with DIY and would be too scared to drill a tank and i am skint on money for a while so i need to keep the system simple and cheap as poss for a while.

Hopefully i'll get a call in the few days saying that i've got a weekend job, that'll help me moneywise to maintain the 16. I'll be saving the rest of the money with my mum to get some laminate flooring down but things keep popping up (As they do :/) that delay the date we hope we can get the tank down. If i put it in the lounge it may take even longer as there are lots of other things that need doing in there, so i may try and get it put in the dining room which is done apart from the flooring :)

Hopefully when the house is fully decorated i'll have the money to go even bigger :D

Thanks alot for your help

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