Upgraded Axolotl Tank


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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Well, I had each one of my axolotls in a 10 gallon tank, newly redecorated with lovely black sand and silk plants - My female wildtype and my brand new golden albino male looked great in them....until I realized my new golden albino was a sand eater. :blink: :grr:

So...he had to be put in the refrigerator for few days while he spit up the sand. In the mean time I have a tank that he can't be in any more. And getting sand out of a tank is a pain!
Sand spitting Axolotl

So, I choose my timing carefully. One afternoon my husband asked me to bake him an apple pie. So while I am working on peeling and slicing, mixing....I ask about the 36 gallon bow front just gathering dust in the garage. I opted into trading the two 10 gallons in our bedroom, for one 36 gallon that the axies could live in together. With the smell of apple pie in the air, he agreed! :lol:

So, last night I set up the bow front. Obviously, bare-bottomed! Some taller silk plants for different levels...they seem to enjoy it.

Here is a video of Reese (my wildtype female) and Butters (my golden albino male) being introduced. Seems to have gone well! Reese hammed it up a bit - since I first got her in early April of this year, she has always been a performer! She loves chasing my finger up and down the glass and is always very inquisitive. If she sees movement by the tank she comes right up and tries to figure it out.
Axolotl Tank
I have never been a fan of amphibians lol, but he's pretty cute in a 4 legged slimy critter type way. I especially like the lil spines on his head (sorry, i dont know what to call them, this is the first time i have seen one of these creatures)

He is a cute little guy :)
Thank you! The "spines" are actually his gills!
Oh! No wonder he was always flaring them in and out lol. Where do you find these lil things? I have never seen them in a pet store or anything.
Some places carry them as common as guppies...other places such as where I live, they have to be ordered. I sourced one from buy-axolotls.com and another from a member off of a forum I frequent.

Luckily enough, I have ended up with a male and a female. I hope to attempt breeding with in the next couple of years.

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