upgrade on mouse house


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
I've added the red bit half filled with sawdust
and peanuts burried in it wich makes them burrow to find the food.
I also relocated them higher, due to it will be getting cold at night
(was all in windowseal befor the addition).
Also added were more tubes.
I hop you like it, Pixie and Dixie do.

click thumbnails
Excuse the curtains (I hate my curtains)

Curtain moved so you can see the connecting tube.
That looks so awesome!! I bet Pixie and Dixie love it!! It's an adorable set-up :wub: My boyfriend even came over and said how "cute" it looked LOL :lol: Your making me want to get mice now :p

PS. My grandma used to have 2 sheltie mixes named Pixie and Dixie so everytime I read about your mice I think about them :)
Looking really cool Wolf! Question though... how do they go through the vertical tubing without mangling themselves? I've just always wondered that... :dunno:
WoW that's super awesome ! :cool:
Just make sure your net curtain isn't anywhere close to even the tiniest of tiny gaps. My hamster cage was once close to my curtain and somehow it managed (in the tiniest of tiny gaps) grab hold of the curtain and fill it's entire cage with curtain. It was absolutely hillarious - there wasn't even room for the hamster to move :S It would have been even funnier, was it not for the fact that they were brand new curtains and not even up a week :X My mom didn't quite see the funny side of it :lol:
Very cool! I bet you have very happy, spoiled mice; all rodents deserve to have a pimped out cage like that ^^
That's excellent!

I think I may have to do something for Cotton, our hamster. She'd love it!

With mice named Pixie & Dixie, PLEASE tell me that you have a cat called 'Mr Jinx'

*showing my age*

bloozoo2 said:
Just make sure your net curtain isn't anywhere close to even the tiniest of tiny gaps. My hamster cage was once close to my curtain and somehow it managed (in the tiniest of tiny gaps) grab hold of the curtain and fill it's entire cage with curtain. It was absolutely hillarious - there wasn't even room for the hamster to move  :S  It would have been even funnier, was it not for the fact that they were brand new curtains and not even up a week  :X  My mom didn't quite see the funny side of it  :lol:
Oh dear oh dear. Something similar happened to me, but at least it wasn't my Mum's new curtains!

We bought a hamster (called Buttocks- don't ask) years ago and she turned out to be pregnant when we bought her.
When she was due to give birth, I draped a tea-towell over her cage to give her some privacy & security.

The next morning we looked in on her and found the entire tea-towel has been dragged into the cage, shredded and made into a lovely comfy nest.

There in the middle were 16 tiny newborn hamster kitts looking like wriggly baked beans with legs!

It was worth losing a tea-towel for that!
tekknocolor said:
Question though... how do they go through the vertical tubing without mangling themselves?
these tubes have been specifically designed with mice in mind. inside the tube are lots of little nodules and ridges to aid grip.

bloozoo2 said:
Just make sure your net curtain isn't anywhere close to even the tiniest of tiny gaps.

so far no problems, but thanks for the heads up.

SirMinion said:
With mice named Pixie & Dixie, PLEASE tell me that you have a cat called 'Mr Jinx'

*showing my age*

Nope no cat called Mr Jinx. the plan is when I have time and an outlet for the babies I may purchase a male mouse and call him Mr Jinx. Now thats irony ;)
The-Wolf said:
bloozoo2 said:
Just make sure your net curtain isn't anywhere close to even the tiniest of tiny gaps.

so far no problems, but thanks for the heads up.

but you dont like the curtains anyways!
So I'm assuming your mice climb down those tubes? My mouse was petrified of climbing down, even from the roof of his little bed.
Lynz781 said:
So I'm assuming your mice climb down those tubes? My mouse was petrified of climbing down, even from the roof of his little bed.

yes they do and up them too.
When I first introduced the 13" upright length it took them about 2 hrs to get all the way up. they kept going up bit by bit and comming back down, eventually they went to the top. now they are at it all the time up and down, up and down....
it is good exercise for them. :lol:
The-Wolf said:
it is good exercise for them. :lol:

Funny you should say that, but fatty tumours and obesity due to overeating and lack of exercise is very common in captive mice.

You'll have the heathyest pet mice ever!
that a cute set up, thought about getting that type of stuff when we had a hamster. :cool:
SirMinion said:
Funny you should say that, but fatty tumours and obesity due to overeating and lack of exercise is very common in captive mice.

You'll have the heathyest pet mice ever!

I knew that mice and rats were prone to tumors, but didn't realise
that is due to lack of exercise.
thanks for the heads up SirM :cool:

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