Updated Pictures


Fish Crazy
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
just some pictures of the tank and critters today....

tell me what u think, am not sure of the layout so welcome critism or if you like it, appreciated




In the top picture - the two red fish, tetras?

Are one of them pregnant? It looks it.
the 2 orange fish are platys, 1 female and 1 male so yea, the female is bound to be pregnant. Love my RTB, shes my favourite

thanks for boost, just wasnt sure about the set up or if needed a lil change or move round maybe!! As for plants, havent got a clue haha, i buy what i like and what i think will look good.
god you try to compliment a girl and all you do is dig a hole

brilliant fish aint they. just added 1 to my sa tank. just starting to settle in and colour up. hope it colours as nicely as yours.
yea, shes lovely!! always wanted one and then my LFS told me i could have one in my tank i was over the moon, she has been in there 4 months now and is no bother, cant wait till she grows more
Very nice tank, I wouldn't be surprised the the shrimp eventually manages to eat some of the neons though, as time goes on and the neons grow it will be less likely to happen :).
wow..... that right!! wouldnt have thought so but will keep an eye out for that, shes getting greedy and holds her own when it comes to food now though
am surprised everyone likes it..... was thinkin bout swapping things round but dont know now
wow..... that right!! wouldnt have thought so but will keep an eye out for that, shes getting greedy and holds her own when it comes to food now though
Yep, here's a thread from a while ago where someone had problems with the shrimp eating neons: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showto...ing+tetra+again

And here's one of mine finishing off a fully grown cherry shrimp roll eyes:


Tank is excellent, only thing I would change is to remove all the fake plants :).
hey, that looks like my shrimp lol..... wow, thats suprising and will see if i lose any, is it just neons? she eats just bout anything, bloodworm, algae, flakes, catfish food.

the only fake ones i have are the moss balls which i thought filled a gap and gave a bit of cover and a couple of grassy ones..... think they shud go?

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