

Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
Essex - UK
Hi all,

With regards to my previous post on my tank (red stuff over taking my tank)

Since then I have left the lights off on my tank and the red stuff has gone in a large way, only bits left are just like string hanging off teh live rock, is this ok?

The bubbles have also died down, not sure if this will all come back when I turn the lights back on again though?

Think it might be best if I get some more snails / crabs to help.
If you don't have corals yet, leaving the lights off is a great way to kill cyano as it needs light to survive. I kinda wish I had a little tank to quarantine my couple corals and throw a blanket over my tank. Oh well.

For your sake, keep the lights off for a while (3-7 days) and introduce Cerith snails. They LOVE cyano in my experience. Wish I could find more than 2 in the whole stinkin city I live in though :crazy:
Ah ok mate!

If I find some ill grab them and send them out to you.

I have pulser coral though :/
Oh yeah I forgot to metion.

On the surface of the water its not very clear, its full of what looks like little patches..... Anyone know what this is and if its ok?
Thats right, you've got xenia huh? If you can QT the xenia and light it by itself you should be fine. Xenia is hardy...

And dont bother trying to send the Ceriths, shipping "across the pond" isnt exactly cheap :hey: I've got some on order
Oh yeah I forgot to metion.

On the surface of the water its not very clear, its full of what looks like little patches..... Anyone know what this is and if its ok?

When i started it looked like an oil tanker had spilt it's payload in my tank :crazy:
Sounds like you do not have enough water movement at the surface like my case, point a powerhead at the surface and all will be sweet :D
Oh yeah I forgot to metion.

On the surface of the water its not very clear, its full of what looks like little patches..... Anyone know what this is and if its ok?

When i started it looked like an oil tanker had spilt it's payload in my tank :crazy:
Sounds like you do not have enough water movement at the surface like my case, point a powerhead at the surface and all will be sweet :D

Yeah thats it, you got it in one!
Yeah thats it, you got it in one!

It seems a common problem/question :D just get a powerhead pointed at the surface and get some surf up there :good:

I just had a few swirls when i had a slick on the surface but after pointing a PH up there its all gone, heres a pic of what you should be aiming for ' for surface movement

Agreed. I pointed my sump return up towards the surface of my tank which drastically eliminated my surface scum... :) As phyto mentioned you need surface agitation to remove surface scum :)
Add my lights on again for a few days (off at night) and the red has really started to pick up again :9

Is there anything I can do or should I leave lights off for longer?

I don't have any emerald crabs yet, just turbo snails and the normal crabs
Have you added any phosphate removing media to your filtration? If not, try that and see if it slows the growth at all.
Have you added any phosphate removing media to your filtration? If not, try that and see if it slows the growth at all.

Nope nothing has been added at all.

I haven't got any of the snails that you talk about or emerald crabs (lfs sold out) which I beleive also helps. Only thing I have done to help is keep lights off more.

Is this putting my fish at danger?

Should I buy some of the phosphate removing media then from lfs?
Yes, phosphate remover for sure. it didn't eliminate my problem 100% but its slowed my cyano down to the point where weekly siphoning during water changes actually keeps me ahead of the infestation. Trust me, cerith snails are cyano's worst enemy. Here's a shot of one of mine at work. Notice the "clean" path the cerith (pictured upper left) has cuth through the cyano. These things are really impressive, just wish I had more. You'll also notice my lettuce nudi next to the cerith as it likes the hair algae farm i've got gonig :)


Phosphate binder is not harmful to fish or livestock. I just have mine in a women's nylon stocking jammed in one of my bubble walls in my sump. Works wonders for me :)

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