Update On The Spawning


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
Reaction score
just became an american *play dramatic music*
The original female paired up with the crowntail didn't workout so we're with female no.2 and she is showing all the right signs. The male has made a huge nest and the female keeps swimming under it, fins not flared, and swimming head down, total submission and then she approaches the male under the nest. He then flares and pushes her abit with his body then he starts chasing her away but not horribly bad b/c the female still stays under the nest even after being chased. He's been doing this for awhile now. The female still looks fine, only some split fins but no chewed fins or serious damage. Should i seperate her again until daddy's ready to breed, because i know she's ready? Or is he ready to breed but still wants to show her who's boss?


Here's the grumpy boy and he's not even flaring here(sorry couldn't resize it):

hi. very nice male. i'd personally leave her in still if she's not badly nipped up.

to resize, you just open the picture in 'paint' (in the accessories folder within the start menu). click the image tab, then choose "stretch/skew". change the top two options to 50% of whatever you want the length and height changed to (by percentage) then click okay. Just resave and you're done...a nice small picture :)

Thanks for the compliment styx and thanks for the info ezrock.

Well i guess i posted my question too soon as i just witnessed them clutch about 12 times over! But still no eggs have fallen, maybe they still need practise. It seems that maybe the male doesn't hold the position long enough before he goes into his "daze", which happens before she does. Guess he's a one minute man, lol.
I did get some poorly taken photos of it though. :thumbs:
My TFF friends ........WE HAVE EGGS! Wooot, lol. So far atleast 130 of them that i've seen fallen, could be more since i noticed they were collecting eggs at the bottom when i came into the room. Now i have the next challenge: making sure they all grow up. I have my microworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp so hopefully they'll raise good off that.
Lol so kind of you to be excited. Well I have the tank with syran wrap over it most of it to keep in humidty and on dads half he has a face towel drapped over to give him privacy while he takes care of business. But i still see a good bundle of eggs still in tack. :D
CONGRATS! see now where would you be if you took that female out! I'm VERY excited for you and also VERY jealous at the same time.

My pair in the spawning tank seem very interested in each other, and flirt all the time, but they will NOT spawn. Neither are getting nipped at all so I'm leaving her in despite my wish to try another male with her.

I put some floating plant in yesterday called FROG BIT (well it's in the frog bit family as someone told me...don't know how true that is, but I trust her as she seems to know her plants very well). The male went NUTS building a bubble nest fully under all the leaves of one of the plants, and partially under another, so it was rather large. Noticed the female was staying under the empty styrofoam half-cup, so I took that out today. Hoping they spawn soon as I'm leaving tomorrow for a trip to Quebec City for the weekend and I think I should probably take her out while I'm gone!

Sorry to steal the tread! Anyways, CONGRATS AGAIN!


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