Update on the female DT


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
I posted about a problem with my DT female a little over a week ago. This is what she looked like. I still never figured out what was wrong with her.



I put her in a half gallon for treatment (she was in an 18 gallon) with bettamax and this is what she looks like now! Sorry for the quality (water spots).



She's almost brand new. She does have a little indention in her head and sort of a scar, which I think will go away in time and her gill is still a little swollen.

But I don't know if I should put her back in my 18 gallon. There could be something in the water that caused this and I wouldn't want her to just end up the same again. Should I just keep her in a one gallon tank permenantly? All of my betta community attempts have ended up in failure so I don't think I want to risk it again. What do you guys think?

Oh, and YAY to bettamax. This was the first time I've tried it and it worked wonders. I would like to thank Wuv for sending me two capsules about a month ago. I think I might have lost her without it!

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