Update On The Babies!


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
I left my dad in charge of the bettas and surprisingly, there were no deaths while he was gone. All 21 babies survived with out a hitch. But you know it would be my luck the day after it happened disaster would strike.

I'd put one of the adult males, Bubbles, into a breeders net inside the baby tank to make it easier for my dad to care for him and...well...he got loose the day after, and now I only count 14 babies. :no:

The babies are apparently little piranhas too, they swarmed him and he had no fins left when I took him out. The remaining 14 are very cute and brightly colored :) They recognize my hand and swim around it and between my fingers, and even swim onto my hand. I've been teaching them to swim into a cup if I hold it under water to make water changes easier in life. Once they figured out they get a blood worm if they swim in, they all dog pile right in. :)
That's too cute that you trained them! I just train mine to come up to the surface when I wiggle my fingers. They all go vertical staring at my fingers, waiting for food. Too cute.
Well I have to admit, these little guys are so fast in avoiding the net that its actually a lot handier to just have them swim in, and a lot less stressful. One of my adult bettas even learned to lay still in my hand while I transfer him to water, but the babies still haven't quite gotten there on that score, only if there is enough water in my hand to completely cover them ;)

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