My telescope pictured here appears to be fully operational again, still occasionaly does his dead thing but always has so I see no major problem.
Heres Nosey
Its me other big lad Bill. Hes my firstborn and now after three days in isolation still isnt moving off the bottom. Feeding on peas and would eat as many as you could throw in but stuck to bottom. Mouth moving fine and gills flapping away just no movement. No marks on fish or other signs of distress. If it is bladder probs how many days woud it be before signs of improvement started to be shown.
Heres Bill
Its me other big lad Bill. Hes my firstborn and now after three days in isolation still isnt moving off the bottom. Feeding on peas and would eat as many as you could throw in but stuck to bottom. Mouth moving fine and gills flapping away just no movement. No marks on fish or other signs of distress. If it is bladder probs how many days woud it be before signs of improvement started to be shown.
Heres Bill