"No one is a failure unless you try"
No mantis shrimp this time, they were both hiding when I had the camera out.
Still not a single coral death, w00t! I guess I am doing something right.
Lil' 5g
Let's play a game. It's called "What the Hell is That?"
Its tentacle things are very sticky and stretchy and it might be able to sting the pee out of you if it were to touch delicate skin, I'm not sure. That's my guess though. Some kind of anemone???
Transparent hairy mushroom
Transparent hairy mushroom under actinic lighting
Big tank (20g)
I love my anemone.
Happy trumpet coral... and other corals.
I love this anemone, too.
You are jealous, admit it.
Ricordea is my fave
Featherduster love
Lil' 5g

Let's play a game. It's called "What the Hell is That?"
Its tentacle things are very sticky and stretchy and it might be able to sting the pee out of you if it were to touch delicate skin, I'm not sure. That's my guess though. Some kind of anemone???

Transparent hairy mushroom

Transparent hairy mushroom under actinic lighting

Big tank (20g)

I love my anemone.

Happy trumpet coral... and other corals.

I love this anemone, too.

You are jealous, admit it.

Ricordea is my fave

Featherduster love