Update On My Nano

Crazy fishes

Fish Addict
Jan 21, 2008
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Cycling is going as expected; very slowly and not very interestingly but none the less in the right direction.
Today is day 5 and the parameters are as follows: NH3=0.5ppm, NO2=0.1 ppm, NO3=20ppm pH=8.2, Alkalinity=1.7-2.8 (Normal) temperature=26C and S.G=1.024.
All is well at the moment, considering this is the cycling period, not that it could support any livestock at the moment. It is pretty much a death chamber but hopefully give it another week and the clean up crew can move in. :hey:

How long have you been cycling for now? I can't wait until the clean up crew goes in and begin to tackle the algae that is growing furious on a piece of the rock. Have you decided on what livestock you are going with yet? or will it be a watch and wait affair (selection based on what is going on in the tank at that moment in time)?

Well, I believe that I started the tank on Wednesday, added salt on Thursday, added rock on friday and started having algae growth by friday night. Thats where I am at now, I am thinking of:

Nassarius Snail x5
Astraea Turbo Snail x3
Cerith Snail x5
Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab x1
Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab x1
Peppermint Shrimp x1

Possibly more or less of each depending on needs. I haven't concretely decided on actually fish yet but I will see.
If you are interested in seeing pictures of my tank from today and the algae feel free to take a look at the topic I have for it.

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