Update On My Cory Drama


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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Ok as some of you know it's been hard for me to keep these guys at first due to I think bad batches. Any ways my first 3 had barb problems one lost on side all together the other just got short. They happen after treating for ich with copper safe. Good news with clean water one of them has grown the barbs back 100% the other that was worst off he's are growing back too. So to anyone that wants to know will barbs grow back YES with good water NO other treatment they will grow back fully it takes time like a month or 2.

Second up date. I was cleaning my tank and lifted my java moss covered wood and saw 3 little panda Cory swim for cover they look to be 2 weeks old. I could not catch them so I put the wood back and cleaned around the area. They are doing ok in there look to be growing and doing fine. So I have my fingers crossed that they will grow up. I think they will they have plenty of places to hide.

So that's my update..
congrats on finding the babies!!!! you must be quite pleased :)
AWWW fab!!! :hyper: From what i have read, as long as they have enough cover they should be ok and when they are old and large enough will join the parents, realy well done!
Hi snowflake311 :)

I'm glad to hear you are doing so well with your corys now and look forward to following these little fellows' progress as they grow up. :thumbs:
Well thanks everyone. You all have been a lot of help too. Cory cat people are so nice well the ones on here are.
o i love that when you find fry that you were not expecting it brings joy to me (also when you get fry you were expecting. but i have never had any cory eggs or fry i have had platy,guppy,swordtail,molly fry but never corys but i have my fingers crossed for my elgans.

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