Update on getting Angel Fish

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Fish Crazy
Jun 24, 2005
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Just found out that there is two angels not one could they be aggressive because they are a pair. Would they be ok in a 125l tank with a female swordtail , two female molllies and four corydoras. Any advice would be gratefull
Should be ok I think, totting up the full grown sizes of your fish I think one angel would fit but not more.
yes that is the best explanation..they probably want to spawn...i believe if you split them up and put that one in a tank larger than it was in before, you have the best bet of it not remaining terretorial...but like i said you will have to watch and see how it settles in
Thanks if i did frequent water changes and keep an eye on the NITRITE levels do you think 2 angels would be ok.The tank i have is a Juwel Rio 125l they are supposed to have a good filtration system must be good because my tank was fully cycled with fish in two weeks.NITRITE and Ammonia levels are currently at 0.The person i am getting them of has got them in a really small tank and i would like to give both of them a home if possible. They are still only small so he tells me.
the 2 would work ALONE in that tank, but is what you listed the other day what you currently have in the tank - molies, platys, and guppies or something like that, right? i'm afraid that if you introduce the pair in what is still a small tank (33 gallons is average size for 2 adult sform what i've heard) with other fish they will kill everything
OH if i put my guppies, swordtail and two mollies in another tank. and put the two angels in there on their own would my 4 corydoras be ok in there it will soon be heavily planted when my plants arrive.Sorry for all the dumb questions but i really want to have these two angel fish as they are in such a small tank about a quarter of the size of mine and i know they shouldnt be, but i dont want to harm any of my current fish.Like i say they are only small should i give them a try with just my swordtail and two mollies and keep a very close eye on them. What would you do.
it's really tough to say...cories are pretty weak when it comes down to a battle with a cichlid, but if it will happen i just can't tell....i say give it a try with all of the fish in there, and within the first day you should notice any quarrels...but when these angels get bigger they WILL need the tank to themselves..with maybe a couple quick dither fish
I keep corys in all my angel tanks, grow outs as well as breeders. I have yet to see an angel bother a cory, they totally ignore them, even when spawning. I have a 29 gallon with a breeding pair, 5 corys & a bristlenose, they get along fine. The male of the pair is a huge veil, 12" including fins, he beat the snot out of 2 other angels in a pairing tank last year when he was considerably smaller. I have to keep 3 sides covered, he goes after fish in the tanks next to his.

As far as the rest, they may chase them away from their territory if they are a pair, and if another fish looks like an angel, like a nice long finned sword does, it will get treated like an angel. I would be real careful with the other fish.

Yeah, the cories should be ok. I also think the molly and sword (though it depends with the sword) would be ok but the guppies would probably get killed eventualy. I also wouldn't go for just one angel. A lonely angelfish can become a terror in time. A pair, I suppose, is just as bad - but at least they occupy each other at times when they aren't actualy spawning. The younger these angels, the more likely it is to all work out. On the other hand, if they are very young, they probably aren't a pair.
The swordtail is a female going to move my guppies in to another tank today.I will just have to try them.Hopefully getting them this week from my grandads friend. Dont know if they have paired up as yet cos they are only small. If they are only small and grow up living with the mollies and swordtail they might be ok. I will keep a very close eye on them all together and see what happens if they are aggressive to my 2 molllies and swordtail i will put them in another tank and leave the angels in there by themselves.

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