Update On Blind Morris


Fish Crazy
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Wimborne, Dorset
Ok, it's been a few weeks now, and Morris seems to be quite settled in to his routine, he now shares his tank quite happily with 8 shrimps, I've tried lots of different food, but he seems happiest with food that sinks, he won't take anything at all from the surface. So I turn the filter off and drop food in the same place every day with a bit of a tap of the tank. The live bloodworms seemed to go down quite well, although he wouldn't take them off the tweezers, he waited until they were on the bottom as he does with all the food.

All in all he seems ok, it's just weird having a betta that doesn't dash to the surface when you come by begging for food. Have attached a pic of his tank so you can see him and his tank. It's a little 25 litre with a small aqua one filter and a mix of black sand and very fine gravel substrate. Plants are vallis, crypts and Spatterdock, although one has been removed and put in my other tank as it was getting too big.

Morris Tank.JPG

i was wondering how he was doing today and was gonna dig up your thread...funny that you updated.
firstly, that tank is one of the best real planted betta tanks ive seen. well done and gorgeous!!! he is a privileged fish!
so glad hes finding his food and youve figured out the best way to take care of him. he is beautiful too!!
glad he is doing well and in a very lovely home. happy for you both :nod:
keep us posted on him from time to time...he and his blindness are endearing.
all the best!
It is a truely lovely tank, he must be thrilled to have such a nice home! And I'm glad to hear Morris is doing well!
Wow fab tank, I think its a brilliant live plant tank! He is a gorgeous fish too! I'd imagine him to be very happy in there!
Thanks for all the lovely comment, I must admit I like the look of it far more than my big tank!, but it's thanks to your suggestions about how to feed him, that he's doing so well.

I think the shrimp are actally helping as they home in on something and it seems like he senses where they are and then dives in on the food, although he also seems to get a mouthful of the fine gravel, which soon gets spat out!

Someone suggested today about getting some galaxy rasbora, but don't know if they'll confuse him, will leave him as he is for the time being.

Zenandra - he appears to be yes, but seems to coping fine!

im glad you are considering more fish..think about how ideal it is to have a blind betta. as long as you dont get ones that will bite at his fins, he'll be ok...i wouldnt say confused, but of course hed sense they are there. hed get used to it, as long as he can find his food before they do id say do it! that tank is so perfectly set up for ANY betta, hell be absolutely fine. can hide when he wants, has loads of cover. amazing:)

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