Update after selling my Chiclids


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada

For all of you who helped me with some suggestions for my new inmates, here is an update:

I went to the LFS on friday and brought my 2 remaining chiclids and sold them off since they had outgrown my 20gal. I almost shed a tear!!! :-( It was a sad day in my life as a fish keeper but it ended well.

I have decided to go with something less aggressive since I can not have a larger tank for the time being.

I got 4 Harlequin Tetras, 3 Bleeding Hart Tetras, 3 Red eye Tetras and a clown Pleco. I am also thinking of getting a pair of German Rams that I will pick up on friday!! I almost forgot to mentionne that I got some live plants too!! It's a diffrent look... I will post some pics soon! From alot of rocks to a planted tank it's weird but I like it...

What do you guys think of my choice of inmates? Do you think the Rams will get along?

Once again thaks for all of your feed back!! :D
the rams shouldn't be a problem to your tetras but they will be agressive when they spawn. Other than that enjoy your new fishy's :D

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