Unwell Guppie

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Oct 30, 2004
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West sussex

This is my first post to this forum. I have had my tank set up for about 6 weeks and since it finished cycling have been gradually adding fish and testing the water to make sure the nitrites stay at 0.

Brought 5 guppies 3 days ago, thought i had just males - i brought three with patterned finnage, and two plain white bodied fish with yellow or orange fins but on closer inspection, i couldnt see the gonopodium on 2 of the fish, so started to think that i had girlies instead of males :( .

Anyway, one of the females (?), is looking rather poorly. She has been in the top corner of the aquarium pretty much all day, and looks like she has a white fungus or something on her tail fin. I dont think it is white spot as there are no noticably problems on the main area of the body (Can white spot, only affect the fins?). She also has a dark area by the anal region, which leads me to suspect she may be pregnant.

Could she be stressed, due to the wrong male/female ratio (although the other female seems ok and is socialising with all the other fish).

The tank is a Jewel 180, other fish in there are 4 X-ray tetras, 3 yoyo loaches, 3 platies, 6 cardinals, 3 bloodfins, 3 Siamese AEs.

What should i do ?- all of the other fish seem fine, no other problems????
Please post test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph,how many gallons is the tank, and does the white fungus look fuzzy..
Ammonia is 0, Nitrite 0 ppm, Nitrate 5 ppm, pH ~ 8 ([Using the Acquarium Pharmaceutical test kit] was concerned that this was a bit high, but it has been this level since i set the tank up. When tested with the 'tetra test-stick' the pH is about 7.4 ish. I am not convinced which test is most accurate!!). The water is quite hard, am going to start gradually changing to RO water. On Saturday did a ~15% change with RO water before putting the new guppies in.

Tank is 180 litres.

Have just had another look and the white stuff is very finely stringy - if that makes sense, almost like fine cotton wool!!
Them test kit tetra strips are not that accurate, liquid one's are the best, it's fungus you will need to add a fungus med, I would of added some salt to the tank but you have loaches, so do a salt bath with the affected fish one tablespoon of aquarium salt in 5 litres of water.

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