Unusual snails.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
South Wales.Rhondda.
On the weekend i noticed two tankfulls of snails for sale.I was curious as i've never seen either before but didn't buy any incase they also ate plants.Can anyone give me any info?
One type were called Batman snails.They looked limpet like and when on the glass the shell does look like batman's head from underneath.
The second type were labelled Porcupine snails.These had the usual snail type conical shell with extensions over it.This gave a prickly look.
Any info appreciated as i've been searching but can't find any.
I have 5 porcupine snails and i did find a site about them sorry can't remember the site. I remember it said that they grow 2 centimeters, will only breed in brackish water and don't eat plants. I have had 4 of mine for over a year and can confirm the breeding and plants. Mine are just over a centimeter at the minute and haven't grown that much since i got them. The site i found was linked to a site about apple snails. The 4 that i have had a while are yellow and black stripe, the new one is brown and i have seen it advertised on www.snailshop.co.uk as a staghorn nerite

Hope this helps

Thanks.That snail on your link does look like the porcupines which were being sold as freshwater snails but i'm still searching to find info on batman snails. :look:

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