Unusual Question :)

my fat fish

Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2006
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this is a bit odd 2 ask but does anyone here know it angel fish float of sink when they die, as i got 2 recently and i cannt find 1 of them havent seen him in about 6 days now i have looked over the whole tank i have cheaked in all the orniments moved plants he is nowhere to be seen havent seen any floating fish or any on the bottom so im confused whats happend to him lol
bodies sink eventually, i think. Depends on the tankmates - In my tank when a fish dies it dosn't take long for the others to begin lookin abit podgy!!
Try behind the filter, I found one stuck behind mine still alive but stuck in.
I'm assuming the angels you are describing are the ones (2 cm / 0.8") listed in your profile. That pretty small. The last time one of my small tetras was missing, its bones were found a little bit under the substrate when I was vacuuming.
yeah thats what im gessing i have had a little move of the gravel not no luck oh well :( il have to see what happens :) thanks for all your replys if he mysteriously turns up ill keep you informed :) i have had the filetr out to cheak ther aswell no luck :( thanks anyway
Once i saw my pleco pushing a dead fish in the tank under the rock the next i saw him eating it.
The pelc would only eat it after it was dead. Same as any other fish - they'll take advantage of a free meal.

How big is your tank, is it planted? We lost one of ours when it was small, turned out it was hiding behind a plant permanently - he came out when he got a bit more confidence ;)

Incidentally, unless a dead fish is stuck somewhere, it will generally sink, then float up once decomposition sets in (releasing gases inside the body). But with other fish in there it is likely they just cleaned up for you, if he is dead.
its a 4.5ft tank planted and with 2 big castle orniments for fish 2 hide in but i have cheaked in boath of them took the out today to see but no luck

tho i have found anouther fish i have thought to been dead for a while he was hiding under some bogwood lol he looked at me then swam off :) so i lost 1 found anouther lol

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