Unusual Biorb 60 Ideas

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Aug 26, 2012
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Hello! I'm looking for any unusual suggestions of what I could possibly keep in my 60 litre biorb. I initially got it for goldfish not realising what a bad idea it was (and what a traumatic experience it would be) and now I'm having to rethink things.

I've always wanted an axolotl, is there any way of converting my tank to be suitable to keep one in there?

Failing that, I've been keeping African Dwarf Frogs for a couple of months in a baby biorb (I've replaced the gravel with small, smooth pebbles and have put a cap on the bubble tube) and no problems so far. Would a clawed frog work with the same modifications in the larger tank?

Any other suggestions are most welcome :)
Axolotls need a 20 gallon tank minimum, and their water temperature needs to be between 60-64 Fahrenheit for them to stay healthy. The frogs probably would work, I'm not sure. Never really kept them. If you do that though, you can make the baby biorb into a shrimp tank.
Ah well, I'll put my axolotl dreams on hold for the time being then. I was really hoping I could do something to make the biorb suitable, but if it's too small, it's too small :/

It was a clawed frog (or two) I was thinking for the 60 litre tank, gonna keep the dwarfs in the little tank.

I read that clawed frogs need a 10 gallon minimum, so I'd potentially be able to keep one or two in there? Also, does anyone happen to know if the biorb gravel is suitable for them, or would I need to swap it like I did for the dwarf frogs?
There are all sorts of suggestions I could make, but unfortunately none of them involve water or anything that's alive.

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