Unusual Behavior for a BGK...?


New Member
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
Oshkosh Wisconsin
I know that they lay on the bottom on their sides alot and don't move but I was just wondering if anyboody thought that it was unusual becasue I am kind of worried does anybody elses black ghost knife fish do this?
Yeah, but sometimes I even see him laing on his back, and this has just started in the last few days , Should i b worried???
Yeah, if they're tired, they just sort flop down to the bottom anyway that they feel like it. :lol: I'd say it's normal. :)
one way to narrow down the possibility would be to add some sort of tank decoration just a little ways from a wall. try to use something that would be "comfortable" for a fish -- a relatively smooth peice of driftwood or plastic, or a plant with big stiff leaves like an amazon sword. put in the tank so that your BGK can in essence "wedge" himself behind it and rest while remaining relatively upright. a gap of two to three times his width should do it.

i suggest this because in my LFS, i always see the knifefish behind the driftwood and whatnot, leaning against them. i would think that if your BGK was on his side because he was tired, then he would welcome the addition of a place to lean against (given the preference of most fish to remain upright).
Thanksfor the ideas, I have some nice pieces of slate for hsit to rest up against, and i will go buy some Amazon SWords this weekend, the best place to get them is 30 minutes away.

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