
charles bentley

Fish Fanatic
Apr 1, 2009
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hi two of my three fish keep geting someting like wite spot but it seems to go and come back
they seem all fine but and the water is fine.
the fish are a pyjama cardinal (this does not get affected)
Canarie top wrasse (this gets it)
and a regal tang (also gets it)

they dont have any spots naw. but it comes and goes. any suggestions?
need to get a pic for ID. Chances of it being WS are quite high with the regal tang though.

Even if its not visible the fish still all need treating for it. Thats if it is WS. If i were you id get it done as soon as the first ones apear and iinvest in a UV
does a uv steriliser get rid of wite spot? or does it just stop it from apearing. if you no what i mean?
a UV unit will kill the whitespot when it is in the free swimming stage. So it rid of it completely but will kill it during one of its lifecycle stages which stops it getting worse and spreading.

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