Unsure About My Bettas Gender..


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC

He has long fins, but has a very white, visible white dot under his pectoral fins. Is he a she or what..?
Ummm... Is this the rare type of betta? She's gorgeous. If im right its a she. Take a second opinion. :p

-Arrowhead :D
Not sure. I got him at my LFS. As for how he looks, he used to be in a lot nicer condition, right now though he's fighting internal parasites, so his tail is not as round as it once was and he looks a bit bloated.
Hmmm... that certainly looks like an ovipositor; maybe you have a rare long-finned female on your hands!
I'm not sure. I have my female tank beside my males tank and then they just go crazy over each other. Hes been staying on the same side of the tank since I put him there. But I think he just wants to attack her. Anyways she doesnt have any stripes on her.
Gah, crazy. I'm going to put her next to a male and see if she'll get stripes, if she does it'll confirm she's a she. Right?
Not necessarily, but it'll be a sign. See if it flares and how large its gill flaps are... females generally have shorter gill flaps than do males.
While body shape is not decisive... I think it is a she. Could you post a few more pictures.
She wont flare. I've had her beside a mirror for almost 20 minutes now and she's just ignoring it.

As for other pictures I've only got a few..

Here's one when I first got her before she became sick.


And here's another I took yesterday.


As I said, she refuses to flare. I'd take a better shot of her egg spot but my camera feels the need to tick me off and not work. :/
Judging by body shape in the new pics, I'm almost certain it's female. The fins don't look quite "right" for a male, either.
Had to males with white spots... but you will find out for sure if it is a she when she starts filling up with eggs and the oviposter becomes even more prominent.
I have a female betta that is just the same, though her fins are a TAD shorter, theyre still quite long for a female, and so I come to my guess: I think its a female.

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