Unknown Shark


Fish Addict
Jun 4, 2005
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At the Petsmart where I work there are redtailed shark but they have redtailed sharks with white tails. What are they?
Funnily enough there called white tailed sharks :D not sure on the scientific name maybe Labeo Munensis they have the same general behaviour as redtail sharks and grow to the same size.
If they are really small then they may not have developed the coloration yet. I got a clear finned black shark from wallmart that was marked as a rainbow shark. It was large enough to have developed the color, but didn't have it. It died in quarantine so I think it may have been sick. If the tank doesn't say white tailed black shark then quarantine for 3-4 weeks as it may be sick.
The white tails are the same size as the red tails. And I take care of them sometimes I know there healthy.
Torrean said:
If they are really small then they may not have developed the coloration yet. I got a clear finned black shark from wallmart that was marked as a rainbow shark. It was large enough to have developed the color, but didn't have it. It died in quarantine so I think it may have been sick. If the tank doesn't say white tailed black shark then quarantine for 3-4 weeks as it may be sick.
aw... i'm sorry to hear that Torrean. :-( i was just wondering how the little fellow was doing.

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