Unknown Rainbowfish


Fish Addict
Apr 16, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
I getting kind of impatient waiting for my father to put the pictures I took of my unknown rainbow fish on the computor, and because I really want to know what it is I decided to make this topic :) The picture will be coming soon...I hope :unsure:

Ok back to the unknown rainbowfish, well about a 2 weeks ago when I was in my lfs (I was looking for some guppies) when I spotted a rainbowfish, I didn't buy it though -_- . Well a week after that when I was sick of just thinking of that rainbowfish and if anyone have bought it or not, I went back to the lfs and bought it. I know it was really stupid of me to buy that fish because I didn't know anything about but when I saw it I fell in love :wub:
It was just so pretty with it's beautiful yellow tinting on it's fins and the way it swam around with it's pectoral fins always flashing up once in a while. It also has gorgous blue eyes :wub: :wub: :wub:

Ok, well does anyone know what type of rainbowfish it is?
I'll describe it:
*Blue Eyes
*Two separate dorsal fish tinted with a bright yellow
*Pectoral fins placed in line with the eyes (mabye a tad higher)
*Petctoral fins also tinted bright yellow
*Ventral fin tinted bright yellow
*Caudal fin, top and bottom are lined black then tinted yellow. The middle is clear
*The rest of the body is light grey and a bit clear
Does anyone know? :blink:

I think these are poppendetta furcarta's... (does the yellow tint on the tail/ dorsal fins form a kind of 'yellow cross' and the other yellow fins look like 'little ears'??)

If so, these are a type of rainbow fish, males (which you described) are a lot more colourful than the female, they grow to 5.5cm max. I have two in a community aquarium and they get on fine with the other fish and are surprisingly hard little fellas...


I tried to look for a picture of that fish you sujested skipper but I couldn't find any :unsure: Is there a common name for that fish?
The yellow tint on the tail/dorsal fin dosen't really form a yellos cross but the yellow fins do kind of look like yellow ears but I think they look most like little wings :)
The unknown Rainbow fish( I called it blue eyes :) ) I have is around 5cm so I guess he could be that fish you were talking about... -_- Not too sure though...
Yep that's the one I was referring to - apols for the dodgy spelling of the latin name... to my knowledge it doesn't have a common name... we should invent one!! ;)

Mine have blue eyes too - I think the picture in the link is just taken from such an angle that the eye's don't reflect the blue.

Watch them in the evening (do you have more than one??), when their behaviour is real interesting... mine stick out all their fins (including the 'wings') and float from the top of the tank to the bottom!

skipper said:

Mine have blue eyes too - I think the picture in the link is just taken from such an angle that the eye's don't reflect the blue.

Watch them in the evening (do you have more than one??), when their behaviour is real interesting... mine stick out all their fins (including the 'wings') and float from the top of the tank to the bottom!

Ok, that explains it then... I was just wondering :)
I only have one of those fish, they only had one in the lfs and it was kept with the guppies so I figured that I might go well with my fish.
Thanks for the advice skipper, i'll keep an eye out on him in the evenings!

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