Unknown Puffer Fish


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
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Melbourne, Florida
So my mom's hair dresser doesn't have time to take care of her 55 gallon anymore and my mom said she has a large fancy gold fish in there along with some type of puffer which is about 2-3 inches right now. And she said it is brown/black and yellow.

She said it was definitely a puffer, which I found hard to believe as she said none of the fish in the tank had nipped fins or anything. She also said he was swimming around a lot and acting very healthy. :huh:

Sounded a little weird to me. I will actually be able to go see him later this week and see what kind of puffer he is. Hopefully is a freshwater puffer and one that doesn't get too large for the 55 gallon.

I am thinking about seperating the goldfish and putting him into my coldwater tank and then leaving the puffer alone in his own 55 gallon.

But my mom insists on keeping them together as her hair dresser is convinced they are "best friends"

Seperating them would be the healthiest choice for the fish, correct?
The only freshwater pufferfish that fits this bill is the South American puffer. Most specimens are peaceful (though there is the odd rogue) and they are active, almost hyperactive, little beasts. I have three and they get along well with tetras, so I see no reason why one could live in a (heated) goldfish aquarium. Fancy goldfish might be a target, but a regular goldie or a fast-swimmer like a comet would seem to me to be safe enough.

As for being friends, SA puffers are schooling fish and they do like the company of their own kind. In the absence of that, it's certainly possible it might school with a goldfish. Other fish certainly form mixed species schools. My glassfish and hatchetfish do, and I've seen scats and monos do it too.

Separating them is up to you. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. As I say, SAPs seem to do well with tankmates, so perhaps consider getting him a pal or two. In a 55 gallon tank, you'll have oceans of room for them. I have three of them, and while they pretty much do their own thing during the day, at night they close ranks and find a nice cosy spot to nestle down together for the night. It's unspeakably cute.



She said it was definitely a puffer, which I found hard to believe as she said none of the fish in the tank had nipped fins or anything. She also said he was swimming around a lot and acting very healthy. But my mom insists on keeping them together as her hair dresser is convinced they are "best friends"

Seperating them would be the healthiest choice for the fish, correct?
yeah i agree puffers get used to company my friend has a 50 gallon with a green spot and 2 plaitys and he has mipped fins for food before but he dose seem to hover around them and leave them food when hes finished
SAP teath grow quickly and in a few years with improper diet they can grow so long that the fish cannot open there mouthes properly, some trimming might be inorder, also regarding the fish living together they could infact be best friends, just watch the water params as goldfish are dirty fish.
SAP teath grow quickly and in a few years with improper diet they can grow so long that the fish cannot open there mouthes properly, some trimming might be inorder, also regarding the fish living together they could infact be best friends, just watch the water params as goldfish are dirty fish.

SAP teeth growth to a point where they would be unable to eat wouldn't take years, more like months.

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