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Dec 1, 2003
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Hey, as my Albino Oscar was growing he started getting a spot on his back that is a blackish color. Its not dark black and really bad looking but you can see a difference between it and the rest of his surface. He's as healthy as can be and I do regular gravel vacuuming and water changes. Do any diseases match this description? What could it be? Also, as he got older his fins started to get darker as well. Almost as if the darkness of normal Oscars was showing through. Any info you guys could give me on these things. I'm worried about him.
I don't think there is anything to worry about. if the body texture is the same, i.e. no growths scales not sticking up etc then it sounds like colouration which can be variable in a lot of fish inc. oscars.

ste :)
Ok thanks. That makes me feel better. There is nothing sticking up from him. Just the discoloration. I was just getting a little worried cause the pattern is erratic and didn't seem natural. I thought maybe it could be a fungus or something. Oh well, its been there for a few months and he's still doing great so I guess I'll have to just wait and see.

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