Unknown Killifish

I would really need a pic, if you require a positive identification.
Most Aphyosemions (Fundulopanchax) will cross breed, and produce viable eggs but not every crossing will produce viable fry. Some will be sterile. This practice of cross breeding is not to be encouraged.
Wot do you mean, like transparent!!! Part of the reason why people are attracted to killis especially the african varieties is their vivid colours.
I was asking because if theres one thats almost transparent with a little bit of color it might be my Killi.
No hes not a Oryzias Javanicus either. I may never find out what kind of Killi he is but would it be ok if he lived in my ten gallon?

It has 4 guppies, 2 corys, 3 plecos, and 2 mystery snails.
I'd like to say yes to your question but I/We still dunno what type of fish you have. Don't give up so easily. Beg, Steal or Borrow a digital camera/mobile phone from someone somewhere and lets have a pic. The suspense is killing us.

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