Unknown Illness


Fish Addict
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Leicester, England
I have lost a couple of fish no an unknown illness over the last week or so.

:no: :no: :no:

I think it was some sort of bacterial infection because 1 danio that I lost was gasping for air, off it's food and de-coloured. I thought it was dropsy at first but there was no swelling and the good thing is that none of my corys or any of the other fish show any signs of ill health.

Anyway, treated with miraflex, more as a preventative measure than anything else and all now seems OK although I have upped my water changes a bit.

What I really want to know is how long I should leave it before adding new fish??

I was looking along the lines of 4-6 weeks, is this sufficient ????
4-6 weeks should be fine. By that time you will know if you have cured the disease or not. Just be careful when purchasing new fish. Check the tanks in the LFS carefully to see if you can spot any problems that there might be. You do not have to rush when you buy new fish. I usually look around for a good hour, I check to see if all the fish are swimming around and if they look healthy. I will not buy a fish from a tank that has any dead ones in it and if they are trying to rush you, go somewhere else.
Give it a while or buy a quarantine tank even better.
I would love a quarantine tank but my G/F is having none of it!!!

I have tried to get her to let me upgrade she is putting foot down!!
:*) :*) ( at least till we move house! )
With the heavy breathing was the fish flicking and rubbing on objects.

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