Unknown Disease. Need Urgent Help


New Member
Mar 1, 2013
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PLEASE HELP: I'm new to keeping fish and really don't want my fish to die.


Tank size: Twenty long.

pH: Don't know.

Ammonia: Between .25 and .5.


Nitrate: Between 0 and 5.0.



Tank temp: About 80 degrees.


Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): It has a pinkish-white raised spot on its side behind the gill.  As seen in the attached photo sometimes there are white wispy things attached to the spot, which I'm thinking might be fungus.   My tetra has been like this for several weeks while we've done treatments and had not slowed down any, but now is starting to breath heavily through its mouth.  First thinking that the condition was due to fungus I tried Pimafix, and then Furan-2, but neither seams to have done anything.


Volume and Frequency of water changes: 25%with the Furan-2 treatment and I'm not sure how much it was the week before, maybe 40%.


Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: The above remedies.


Tank inhabitants: 4 red eyed tetras, 4 zebra danios, 4 pearl danios, 1 bronze cory, 1 peppered cory, 2 kuhli loaches.  The last four are young and small and have only been in the tank for eight days.


Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): For eight days the four small bottom fish, and various plants were added a few weeks ago, after the tetra got this condition.


Exposure to chemicals: I don't think so; using well water.


Digital photo (include if possible) DSC_0102s.jpg
Well i dont know what that dieases is but QURINTINE THAT TETRA NOW FAST BEFORE ANY OF YOUR OTHER FISH GET IT. Do it asap and hopefully other posters can help you after that
You need to keep that ammonia via large and often water changes at 0. It's often the trigger for diseases.
The nitrite level should be 0 too if you happen to have anyway of testing. Both these are toxic to fish.
For a start, do series of large water changes, several in a row if needed and daily if needed(with temperature matched, dechlorinated water) until that tank is cycled and reads 0 for both ammonia and nitrItes for at least several days in a row. If the tank is recently setup, keep in mind that it takes 6-8 weeks for it to cycle.
Sadly just today my tetra died in the quarantine tank we had for it. But know we know how to treat other fish suffering of the same disease and save them. It has taken me a long time to post on this site and with earlier help my tetra might have lived. thank you for all that you tried to save my fish and none of my other fish have this awful sickness. I still can't diagnose what was wrong with it and neither could anyone else who I presented this to. 
dotomy said:
I still can't diagnose what was wrong with it and neither could anyone else who I presented this to.
Your ammonia was at a high and potentially dangerous level. Its highly likely that the toxicity of the water caused the fish to get ill and die. Your fish could have caught something due to its weakened immune system caused by the water levels.

I think that's the most likely option. Also, 80 degrees is a bit too high for all the fish you have so if you don't lower this and get some serious water changes carried out over the next few weeks you could end up losing more fish.

Good luck

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