unknown death


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Aug 12, 2004
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I have recently moved to Germany. My husband bought me a 15 gal. tank. Being from the States, not able to read German, and the language barrier, I don't know what I need to test or purify the water. There is a small store here with a limited selection, the only thing I can get is filter bacteria. I used it and it made my water milky.
I had 7 male guppies, 5 female guppies, 3 platys, 1 pleco, 1 small bottom feeder, 2 snails, and 5 fish, I don't know what they were called. My friend calls them pink convicts.
I looked them up on the Internet, only to find out that cichlids are called convicts. These fish look similar to piranhas only they are small, white, and almost see through. My LFS told me that they were not aggresive, but they look like it. When I feed them, they are very greedy and eat most, if not all of the food. I apologize for no pictures.
Well anyway, 2 of my female guppies died almost at the same time. Their tails were shredded, with the bones poking out, almost like zig-zag. I automaticaly thought it was the white fish picking on them. 4 of the male guppies had a brown-black fungus-like growth on their tails. Then 2 males died. I don't know what was killing them. I looked on the internet and found fin-rot, but the description was so vague and the pictures were low quality. 3 more male guppies died.
I didn't really like the white fish anymore. One day I went to feed my fish and a female guppy was grotesquely crooked in an S-shape. Eventually she died. Her tail did not look like the others. Again, I thought it was the white fish.
Then, 2 (male) platys died. Their tales were jacked up like the others. Now I have been reduced to 2 male guppies, 2 female guppies, 1 female platy, 1 pleco, 1 bottom feeder, and I just traded the white fish for 5 danios.
My friend told me that, here in Germany they don't add chlorine to the tap water. I don't know how true that is. She didn't treat the water in her tank and her fish are alive, none of them have the inflamed gills related to chlorinated water.
I do know that there is possibly a large amount of Iron in the water. Is Iron dangerous and how do I know if it's in there? About the chlorine, how can I find out if it's in there with the limited tests available? Any information about my fish dieing will be greatly appreciated. If anyone knows anything about the water content in Germany, please let me know.
I would really like someone to recommend a website for aquarium necessities. I need a hood, light bulbs, water purification kit, water testing kit. Any info would be extremely helpful.
I almost forgot. 1 of the female guppies has a messed up tail. Can I save her, and how can I save her?
I have read that iron compounds aren't good for fish so this could perhaps be one of your problems...you can test your water for iron....if you can find the test kits there. I have heard of other symptoms like your fish had with fish TB...but I am not sure if you can treat for this....and even if there is a lot of iron I wouldn't know what you could do about it

If it is the convict you are worried about then perhaps you could trade it in at the LFs for a non-aggressive fish....this may eliminate your problems

Other than that....I really don't know what else I can suggest
Firstly, did you cycle your tank?

I think your tank is overstocked. How long have you had the aquarium, when did you get the fish and when did they die? A timeline could be important.

IMO, the tank is over stocked for it being only 15 gallons. I think maybe your best bet is to order test kits over the internet and have them delivered to you. That way, you know you will be able to read the directions. If it were me, I would buy: pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate as a start to see where you are in terms of cycling the tank. You can also order Master test kits that have tons of tests. It's your call. I use the Hagen brand because they tests are so easy to use and store.

I am not sure about the iron. Can you ask your local pet store about iron content?

It was a good move to return the convicts. I'm not sure why they would have sold them to you, especially in a 15 gallon tank. Danios are a great choice but do apprecitae having room to swim around. Maybe in the future, you can think of an upgrade but you can wait until all this is sorted out and you are used to keeping up with the tank.

Keep us posted and good luck.
I have had the tank for about 2 months now. I did not cycle. I do know about ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. I just didn't know how do it myself. I thought it was a natural process that was out my control.
My tank probably was overstocked. I used the 1" of fish to every 1 gal. of water method. None of the fish were bigger than 1". The white fish weren't exactly convicts. For now, their species is unknown.
Since my 1 to 1 ratio obviously didn't work, how many fish can I keep in a 15 gal.? If anyone has an idea about these no-named fish, can you please let me know?
I got the fish the day I bought the tank. I sat up the tank and cleaned the water (floated the fish in the bag for almost 45 min). I started out with a couple male guppies, couple female guppies. About 2 weeks later, I had 7 males and 5 females. Then, a week later, I bought a pleco. Then a week after, the 5 unknown, white, see-through fish. It seems like, when I bought the white fish it just all went down hill.
About 3 days after I bought the white fish, a female died. The next day another female died. Around 6 days after that, 2 males died. I bought 3 platys. After 2 days, a male (guppy) showed up dead. Then, a female came up missing. I cleaned the tank. I found the missing female, dead. After a couple days, 2 males died. Then about 4 days, 2 male platys died. I then bought a bottom feeder (cat fish that stays small), a cone snail, and an apple snail.
I am so worried I don't want anymore of my fish to die this way. Could this be tail-rot? If so, were did it come from? Could it have been the LFS? Or was it possibly neglect?
Hmmmm...you posted twice!!!! :lol:

See your other post for what I thought.

Really too lazy to write it all again!!!!!

Nurse22 said:
Since my 1 to 1 ratio obviously didn't work, how many fish can I keep in a 15 gal.?
the 1" per gallon rule works fine with small fish

however you did not have one inch per gallon of fish in your tank. even if each of those fish was only 1" long that's still 23" of fish in a 15gallon tank. also, many of those fish get a lot bigger - if the pleco is a common pleco he could eventually get beyond 16". I think you'd eventually have had over 50" of fish even without the mysterious white fish. did the white fish not have a name on their tank at the pet shop?
I didn't have them all in there at the same time. It's just that some would die, then I would get more. Sorry I didn't make that clear. The pleco is a common, but for now he's less than 1".

I can do water tests, it's just that with the language barrier I don't know what to ask for. I don't know what the tests are called in German, so I don't know what I'd be looking for if I tried to find them myself.

Thanks everyone for your help so far.
The unknown fish look just like the little white ones in Cooklet's ad for Death by Dyeing.
I think they might be white skirt tetras. I havent heard of them being aggressive but maybe by introducing them you introduced some source of infection?
here is a pic of a white skirt tetra so you can see if that's what they were:


The german word for ammonia is "Ammoniak" and its chemical symbol is, I think, NH3. The chemical symbol for nitrite is NO2-
but i cant find the german for it.

Do you know roughly what a test kit will look like? cos if so, they usually have the chemical symbol on them, so you will be able to tell what you are getting.
You should be able to find ones made by a brand called Tetra as I beleive they are made in germany. if you can't understand the instructions, pm or email them to me, and I will translate them for you.
Yes, that is exactly what they looked like. You would do that for me? That is exteremly nice of you. And I am extremely grateful.

Although none of the white skirt tetras had any of the symptoms, as did the guppies, would they be able to carry a fungus or disease without actually catching it themselves?
When you have an epidemic in your tank, it is unwise to purchase any more fish until the problem is resolved. Also never add the fish the day you set up the tank; this will kill them 99% of the time. You must allow it to run for several days prior to purchasing any living things, plants or fish. the tetras are not at all aggressive, it must have been the excess ammonia that killed them. Fish suffocate in ammonia, and you should only buy 2 or 3 fish at a time when cycling a tank, over a period of several weeks or months, depending on how sensitive the fish. Hope this helps, and above all, DON'T BUY ANY MORE FISH, at least until you can keep your originals healthy for a week. :flex:

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