Unknown Catfish


Fish Addict
Nov 20, 2006
Reaction score
today i bought a fish on impulse that was getting its arse kicked anyway ive got it home thinking i knew what it was and now realise i have very little idea it looks to me like an asian redtail but im not 100% sure and im hoping someone can come and tell me im wrong heres a pic

Youre not wrong that is an Asian Redtail catfish, welcome to fishy hell.
Yea, and after getting its arse kicked as a baby it is going to have a serious attitude problem.
Wow from that picture I really can see why so many new fish keepers go for them they are cute...Im glad they aren't for sale around my area :p
Whats so bad about them may i ask lol !

i have never heard of thats species in my life ?

Are they just agressive or jus grow plainly to big

Or What lol ?


Quoted from the Planet Catfish index entry for the species http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/speci...p?species_id=19

Not compatible with other fishes due to its nasty disposition. Many claim that H. wyckioides is the most aggressive freshwater fish in the world. Given this fish's ability to bite, it is not even safe with tank mates too large to swallow since it will simply take bites out them.

On top of this it has a maximum size of just under 40 inches, really not a community fish by any stretch of the imagination.
IMO its the worst fish sold in the hobby....Gets huge, and is terrably aggressive, not something you wanna go an buy...
I presume your taking it back to the store...

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