Fish Fanatic
We are entering storm season again here. A couple of nights ago, the power went off for 5 hours. After 5 hours the tank temp dropped to 26.5 (ok I think). When the power came on all the fish were sluggish, some were resting in plants (not moving. Withing 30 minutes of the filter starting again they were back to normal. I suspect it won't be the only time this will happen this summer.
That got me to thinking, why don't I put a computer UPS on my tank. A 345W one is quite inexpensive, and with our Fluval 404 (25W) should last at least 10 hours. I'd leave the heater off I think. What are peoples thoughts on this one??
That got me to thinking, why don't I put a computer UPS on my tank. A 345W one is quite inexpensive, and with our Fluval 404 (25W) should last at least 10 hours. I'd leave the heater off I think. What are peoples thoughts on this one??