Unintentional Tiger Barb Breeding


Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Suisun City, CA, USA
I only have one female tiger barb with 5 males, (3 green 2 reg.) the female looks like she is about to pop with eggs, could someone tell me if she is?


the picture doesnt really do it justice, the flash kinda flattens her a bit...Also she chases all the other males all the time pretty much, i was wondering if that was indicative of anything in particular? since she is always out to get the males idk how she expects to get fertilized eggs...its not that im trying to breed the fish at all lol, im just curious...any help greatly appreciated. Thanks!
She could be trying to breed but they aren't interested. If she doesn't expel the eggs she could become egg bound. Doing 50% daily water changes for a week will often stimulate the males and encourage spawning. Lowering the temperature can help prevent egg bound females.
I've been doing the 50% water changes, as Im in the nitrite portion of a fish in cycle, my temp is currently 74 F, i read that 80 F is optimal for breeding...should i up the temp to try and breed, or lower it? if the latter, how low should i go?
you can try increasing the temperature for a couple of days and see if that encourages them to breed. If not then turn the heater down a few degrees and see what happens. Barbs normally breed when the weather warms up. They spend a few months in cool water and then the temp increases. When it gets warm enough they start to develop eggs and then breed.

Tiger barbs in a fish in cycle can be tough, they are relatively sensitive to ammonia and nitrite.

Perhaps once the cycle is complete and that stress is gone everything will fall into place and they will spawn.

Cycle still going...just noticed today, both males are following her but not chasing her...they are fighting behind her it seems like...
someone know what that means?
Cycle still going...just noticed today, both males are following her but not chasing her...they are fighting behind her it seems like...
someone know what that means?

Colin T gives you pretty good advice here. Give it a few days and see if anything happens... If they still haven't spawned at that point perhaps its best to start the cool water/warm water cycle over again (the fish just might not be ready). Fighting is good tho (its mostly harmless, just a display of barb manliness), that means theyre healthy and active.

Im sure you are managing the fish in cycle well, but as a side note: the ammonia and nitrite coming from the fish in cycle could perhaps be the small factor that prevents the fish from spawning. As the cycle nears completion and these waste products approach 0ppm (combined with low nitrATE from water changes), the fish may perk up a little... Lots of easier to breed fish spawn almost instantly when the water is changed, because those small changes make the water that much more pristine. It could be as simple as that.

Finish your cycle and then you can eliminate that factor from the "why they wont breed list". If they are happy and healthy its really only a matter of time though...
thanks for the reply...they actually did breed last night...they seemed really sloppy and most of the eggs ended up getting eaten...i can see a few on some plants but i dont think they'll make it...
thanks for the reply...they actually did breed last night...they seemed really sloppy and most of the eggs ended up getting eaten...i can see a few on some plants but i dont think they'll make it...

unfortunately, most fish don't seem to understand the idea of not eating eggs in the aquarium...

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