Unidentified Syno Cat


Something smells humany
Jul 4, 2006
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Victoria Australia
I asked the LFS attendent what type of syno if standard or different they said eupteris...it was stressed out of it's mind in the tank and was very pale so I spent a largish amount of dough on it as I was after a syno anyways.....what type of syno is it??


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it looks very similiar to Synodontis nigriventris but doesn't really have dotted patterning and more striped. It's barbels seem exceptionally large for it's size......

I think the more I find pics of syno's that it's merely the standard upside down catfish......bugger.... I will have to buy more most likely if I want it to be happier...oh well it wasn't well when it was in the LFS so at least it's happier
My money's on the Synodontis Nigriventris. Just your regular ol' Synos sold as "Upside Down Cats".
Its hard to tell with synos because the colours of juveniles are often very different from adults. Also apparetnyl there are alot of hybrids from the czetch republic these days.
id say S europterous.looks just like mine did when i baught it as a baby from walmart
Yes I have read that Juvi's of syno's can look very similiar and go through a large change in colour...the Very young ones of this type sold at my LFS do not look like very young Nigriventris from the one's i've seen...I did read that Eupteris can look very simliar to Nigriventris when juvi's...this was labled as "Zebra Upsidedown Catfish" and they have the Nigriventris labled as Upside down catfish...so yeah...very confusing and with over 150 species of Mochokidae it's not easy to identify
Upside down cats (standard ones) are expensive here anyways....I saw it last night moving about and the more I see it the better the pattern gets...So I have a Nigriventris Zebra Kutu variety so it's a wee bit different I guess.

It may be one of the increasingly popular Hybrid syno's...not sure...Looks like I might have to go buy some more since Nigriventris prefer groups...that will set me back...I was so after a Eupteris... bugger :( Lol

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